Select 'Print' then 'Option'. Push 'A' on all of the images you would like to print, then select ' Print'.
To do so press select on the GameBoy Camera's main menu, press up and choose the 'Link' option. Tip: You can print your images one at a time but it's much more efficient to print multiple images in one batch.Print your GameBoy Camera photos to your GameBoy Printer emulator.(I'm planning on adding serial support in the app - but it's not done yet). Connect your GameBoy Printer emulator to your Mac and open up your Serial Monitor of choice, this could be the one in the Arduino app if you'd like.The GBCam Studio App which you can download below.I'm interested in looking into how I can make the app compatible with more transfer methods in the future, please get in touch if you know of any other devices that I could support. All you'll need is an Arduino and a GameBoy ext link cable. A GameBoy Printer emulator. I designed the app to work with this project by Brian Khuu specifically. It's super easy and fast to get up and running.